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The purpose of the Virgin Islands Association of Georgia (VIAG) is to share Virgin Islands cultural and educational experiences with other Virgin Islanders in both the U.S. and our homeland and to extend such awareness within our communities in which we serve to provide outreach services.

Purposes of the Association:

  • To promote closer fellowship among Virgin Islanders.

  • To empower individuals and communities through education, advocacy and support, fostering sustainable change for betterment.

  • To plan, enrich communities through art, cultural diversity and social cohesion.

  • To provide youth with access to mentorship, resources empowering them to reach their full potential and become leaders.

  • To improve the well-being of our senior community by delivery/promoting healthy lifestyle advocating healthcare wellness.

  • To strengthen communities by addressing local challenges through collaborative partnership, and sustainable development initiatives. 

  • To determine ways in which Virgin Islanders can contribute to the economic, social, and cultural progress of the Virgin Islands and communities e serve.


Membership Committee

The Membership committee shall be responsible for recruiting members, maintaining a current membership roster, recommending the dues structure, and other activities that will enhance the membership of the organization.

 Fundraising Committee

The Fund Raising Committee shall be
responsible for raising funds to support the goals and objectives of the Association.

Education/Culture Committee

The Education/Culture Committee shall plan and direct social and cultural events and promote the culture of the Virgin Islands.

Newsletter/Public Relations 

The Newsletter Committee shall conduct publicity activities directed at promoting the Association’s events; act as Association liaison between the media
and other organizations; and act as a consultant to other standing committees regarding the promotion and publication of Association activities. This committee is to publish a monthly newsletter sharing information of common interest to the membership.


The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall ensure that
VIAG has an annual budget and prepare necessary tax documents at fiscal year end to protect non-profit status.

Community Outreach

The Community Outreach Committee shall direct and plan outreach events/resources to our community or become involved in the community.


  1. Partnership/stakeholder in the mission of the association

  2. Networking opportunities

  3. Professional Development

  4. Relationship building

  5. Access to "Membership Discount Program"     

  6. Renewable (1) year membership - Jan.1st of each year



Individual Membership 



Participants of discount program



*Full-Time College Student with ID*


Membership with T' shirt

Individual   $35.00

Student       $25.00

Senior        $25.00

Family        $55.00


Spouse & Children



*Age 65+ and older*


We Are


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